PAPA BEARS BARBEQUEFrom the love of smoked barbeque and the city of San Angelo Texas, Papa Bears Barbeque was born. With over 10 years of West Texas Barbeque experience Pit Master Papa Bear Don has brought his amazing smoked meats west to Arizona. From a humble beginning of serving backyard barbeque to friends and family, Papa Bear decided it was time to spread the deliciousness to everyone! Papa Bears Barbeque is now proud to be running its very own food truck so we can bring the amazing art of smoked barbeque to you!
Papa Message
Papa Bears Barbeque proudly serves Phoenix and the East Valley. offering daily specials, meat by the pound deliveries and catering for all your special event and party needs. We put TIME and LOVE into all of our slow smoked Texas style meats and sides. From Papa Bears secret blend of spices for our rubs to the secret bear sauce and barbeque sauce, we are confident that you will enjoy our barbeque as much as we enjoy creating it for you! Thank you for all your support and remember “We ain’t joke’n It’s a smoke’n”.
About usCras porta dolor ut velit imperdiet, quis sodales tellus facilisis. Vestibulum magna turpis, tincidun blandit semper lorem. Mauris nodesterin feugiat neque, a aliquet ligula. Sed non felis tincidunt, facilisis felis vitae, mollis est. Nulla sapien dui, feugiat sed velit a, egestas porta magna. Maecenas aliquet laoreet risus at vehicula lorem ipsum dolor.
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